Daniel Brayshaw
26 березня 2020 р
Personalisation with upper-secondary learners: challenges and tips
Семінар для викладачів англійської мови старших класів
Вперше в Україні!
Daniel Brayshaw,
автор нового п'ятирівневого курсу High Note ділиться секретами успішного викладання англійської та новими тенденціями 2020 року в сфері освіти
Про семінар

Most of us will agree that a pinch of personalisation is an important ingredient in a successful, modern foreign language programme. Drawing on our students' experiences as the context for language learning helps facilitate social interaction, encourages memorisation, and allows space for empathy and creativity in our classrooms. However, a student-led approach is not without its challenges, so in this practical and informative session we will look at how to avoid common pitfalls while drawing on our students' individual experiences as a context for exploring new language. The session will be informed by ideas and activities from Pearson's new upper-secondary course, High Note, which was co-authored by the presenter.
Personalisation with upper-secondary learners: challenges and tips
High Note co-author
Daniel Brayshaw
Dan has been involved in language education since 2001 and during that time has taught students of every age and level. He has worked in Europe, Asia and Australia and, as well as teaching, has been an examiner, academic manager, director of studies and teacher trainer. In recent years, Dan has delivered teacher training sessions globally and has written or co-authored several student books and workbooks for adult and upper-secondary students. When not working Dan is a keen snowboarder, nature-lover and music fan.
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26 березня
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